Photo of Enriqueta Hueso Portugal

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1975-1976-1977 West Henrietta He studied at the School of Arts and Crafts in Valencia. 1978 Begins studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 1979 Exhibition of painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts. 1980 Collective Exhibition with works of painting and sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts. Make a course in Video Art, entitled "Time and Space", sponsored by the Provincial Council of...

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Photo of Enriqueta Hueso Portugal

1975-1976-1977 West Henrietta He studied at the School of Arts and Crafts in Valencia. 1978 Begins studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 1979 Exhibition of painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts. 1980 Collective Exhibition with works of painting and sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts. Make a course in Video Art, entitled "Time and Space", sponsored by the Provincial Council of Valencia Exma with the collaboration of Community Servei Barcelona. Works in the artist's Happening Video and Jose Maria Iturralde, entitled "Fossil Art" held at the Museum of Valencia Paleontolgico, and projected the College of Architects in Valencia. Organizes and participates in a "parallel cultural week at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia. Organised by the projection of videos of Valencian designer Francis Montesinos, conference and symposium on" Art and Fashion "in the same university. Organize "Contemporary Poetry Recital Valenciana", in the presence and recited by poets themselves: Vicent Andres Estells, J. Palacios and JAFluix. Organizes a roundtable on "Freedom of expression in Journalism: Journalist Case Vinader process, with the presence of prominent journalists. Presentaciny organizes artistic trajectory of artists: "Anzo, and Jose Maria Iturralde" Sky Art. "Organizers" Notes on the analysis of the Image and Aesthetics in Film, with the participation of appointed critics of film, and collaboration of artist Jordi Teixidor. Organized by screenings of the films "My dear Señoritas" and "Death in Venice, with the collaboration of film critics Rafa Sea, and Vicente Vergara on the topic of homosexuality. Starts project review Arts & Culture Papallona "with artists like Michavila aportacin, Sento, Iturralde etc. 1981 Requested by the City Council, Section artistic activity, as coordinator and organizer of murals in the city of Valencia, on the occasion of "Citizen Solidarity Month." Bachelor of Fine Arts, specializing in printmaking, from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville. Proficiency in the grade of the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences through education, the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 1984 Collective Exhibition, selected on the III Prize in painting female Preciados Galeras de Valencia. 1985 Travels to New York for further studies on new techniques of printmaking, participating in a Happening and exhibition organized by the artist Keith Haring in his studio. In 1986 he joined with producer James Nunnery in a number of TVE, led by Jose Luis Purtolas, "Live each day", directed by Josefina Molina theater in Madrid. 1987-1988 Exhibition with works by Franciscans recorded in the studio 6, Valencia. Exhibition and presentation of the workshop in the plaza of Nules Valencia, with works by etching. Participates in the Plastic Arts Xconvocatoria Alicante with two works of engraving. Works for two years in the implementation and mounting exhibitions, and as a gallery, the gallery devoted to Viciana original graphic work, and fairs Interarte with this gallery. 1989-1990 XI participated in the Call of Plastic Arts of Alicante with two works Collagraph. Exhibition of painting and engraving at the School of Arts and Crafts Teruel. 1991 Design of the collection of fiction and poetry of the new Editorial "Derzet i Dag", Anagram and logo, illustration with pictures the first issue of Poetry. Design of the cover of a book Nurse School Valencia, Nau Editorial llibres. Diploma course and Film at the University of Valencia Menendez y Pelayo. Painting exhibition at the Institut Valencide la Dona, entitled: "The voice atdebida, Montserrat De Pedro Salinas Roig. "Submission of the work by Maria JosMuoz Peirats, Coordinator of the communication of IVAEC 1992 Make the poster on the occasion of March 8th." Make the poster on the occasion of "June 28 ". 1993 Requested by the Secretariat of the donation, for the poster of the" March 8. "Requested by the Secretariat of the Dona, conference" Women in Art. "Requested by the Director of the Palau de la Music from Valencia, to conduct a workshop for Engraving theorists and practical. Exhibition in Palau de la music from Valencia with paintings. Organize roundtable with notable writers of Valencia "Image and Scripture "in the same Palau. Diploma course on film" donates to cinema at the University of Valencia literature. 1994-1995 Make the sign for the Dona secreted during the "March 8." Prize for best film script in the Literary University of Valencia. In June, an exhibition organized "Thirty women "with works of paintings, ceramics photographs in the Dona Valencide Institute. Design of the poster and catalog. Sponsored by Bancaixa. Organization of Music recital Italian seventeenth century, the participation to clavecn Alcayna Alice and the soprano Carmen Marques, at the Institut Valencide la Dona. Host a jazz concert at the Rialto room with Eva Denia and Jazz Quintet. Based on The winning script, directed and produced short film clips of "The media drives me crazy," sponsored by the Regional Minister for Culture and the Institute for Women's Valencia. presentation at the Film Archive of the Generalitat Valenciana. presentation at the Club Diario Levante by the writer Josep Lluis Segu, and Sea Busquets, University of Valencia. International Film Festival of Valencia, and International Festival of Turkey. projection in the Faculty of Philologist of Valencia. 1996-1997 Exhibition in the Museum's JosBenlliure Valencia, paintings. Berrocal Galera exhibition in Valencia with paintings. Collaborates in the journal "Imatge", University of Valencia, "the proliferation of the Image: Image imaginary. 1998-1999-2000 Change workshop at Calle Francisco Martinez 34 under, Valencia, is dedicated to teaching. Design of a "Women's Guide Youngsters", Department of Joventut i la dona. Martdel Chalet Exhibition 2001-2002 City Council with paintings. Design of Organize poster exhibition of painting and engraving in the center Benimaclet Music Instruction and concert music with children, in collaboration of the Conservatory "JosIturbi" of Valencia. Included in the book "Valencia contemporary artists neos. Presentation at the Palau de la music, sponsored by the City of Valencia. Included in the book "Painters and sculptors bull" Valencia contemporary artists in the edition is part of the book "Artists Valencia contemporary. "Included in the book" Artists leave a mark. "Valencia contemporary artists. Valenciansimo Exhibition in the Palace of Valencia, collective work of engraving. 2002-2003 From 13 May to 13 June exhibition at the art gallery Barna (Barcelona). In July V International Exhibition of contemporary art "MAC-21" in the Palacio de Congresos de Marbella (Malaga). In October 1954 contemporary art fair neo in Frankfurt (Germany). The exhibition on December 13 MIAMI ART CENTER. Mention of honor diploma acquisition of works of Latin American Art Museum, Miami (USA). In November exhibition at CIM of Valencia. Exhibition in Villa Alquéres Martdel City Council. presentation included in the book "Artists who leave their mark" in the Crystal Hall of the City Council, sponsored by the same municipality. In March exhibition at the Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia. 2004-2005 Video and Happening with JosMaria Iturralde "Fossil Art". Projection in Valencia Architects College Diploma University Menendez y Pelayo, of course movie "Feminist Teora Teora Flmica" Diploma of the Literary University of Valencia, "donates to cinema." Delivered by Mar Busquets Award for best script, Universidad Literaria de Valencia. Short film sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Women's Institute of Literary University of Valencia Valencia.y short film in Film Exhibition in Valencia. Exhibition on "Journal Club Levante Valencia Colegio Mayor Luis Vives, Valencia. Faculty of philologists, Valencia. International Film Festival, Cinema Jove, "Sorolla Room Bancaixa. Dubbing Valencia's City of Gandia, and Exhibicin by the" March 8 "International Film Festival in Turkey. Design of Gua young women, youth CC.OO. Department Valencia. Design of "diagnostic Nursing School of Nursing, Editorial Valencia University Llivres Nau. Design of the collection of poetry and narrative, logo and logo Derzet i Dago editorial. Poster Design March 8, 92 and 93 years CC.OO. Valencian Community. Painting Exhibition Painting Award Galeras III Preciados Teruel Arts and Crafts Institute for Women of Valencia. Sorolla's exhibition hall Exhibition hall Ateneo Mercantil Barna Barcelona Valencia Palace Exhibition Gallery Exhibition Valencianisimo Berrocal Valencia. Valencia Valencia JosBenlliure House Museum. Ateneo commercial exhibition of music Valencia Palau de Valencia. Printmaking Workshop in Palau of the music of Valencia. International Fair "Interarte" in 2003, Valencia International Fair "Interarte" in the 2004 Valencia International Fair of Contemporary Art of Castile and Leon, Arcale International Contemporary Art Fair "Artesevilla" with galley Century Castelln XXI in 2003 International Contemporary Art Fair "with Galera Artesevilla Talaverano Manuela Seville, 2004 International Contemporary Art Fair" with gallery manuela Artesevilla Taleverano Exposition of Seville 2005 "Homage to Gaudi" in Latin Art Museum , Miami USA Exhibition Galera "Ana Rubio." Oropesa del Mar International Contemporary Art Fair "Mac 21" Marbella, Malaga. International Fair "Holland Art Fair" Nederlands Congres Centrum The Hague Netherlands International Book Fair Art and Painting in Frankfurt, Germany. International Contemporary Art Fair of Rtterdam, Netherlands. International Print Fair Galera Maes Estampa Madrid 2004 International Exhibition "ARTEFAMA" Roquetas de Mar,. Almeria 2005 International Fair Talaverano Manuela gallery with gallery Maika Sanchez Europart Geneva-Switzerland 2005 Exposition collective Maes Galera Maika Sanchez Madrid 2005 Exhibition Feria Valencia 2005 Madrid VI FAIM Estampa 2005 Madrid edition Feria Madrid Madrid 2005 Galeria Maes Antiques Art Gallery Association Maika Sanchez Valencia 2005 Valencia 2005 Difusora Art Gallery Exhibition Cebriart collective Barcelona. Fair Estampa, Casa de Campo Madrid 2005. Collective Gallery in Madrid Maes Maes Galera Artesevilla International Fair Madrid 2006 Palacio de Congresos Sevilla 2006. Impulse Art Gallery Gargon Fair International Fair Osnabruck Germany 2006 Artexpo New York USA with CEART Comunication 2006 Exhibition in New York Jadite E.EU.U. Gallerys 2006 Exhibition Gallery in Ginza Towa Tokyo. Gargon Japan 2006 exhibition in Art Gallery 2006 exhibition and book in 2006 remain permanently in Galera work EME O4 Madrid 2006 Diploma, Member and Honorary Mention "Latin Art Museum Miami. U.S. in a painting. Award for Best Short Film script for their interest and their optimal plastic documentation. Literary University of Valencia. University Diploma Menendez y Pelayo. Cinema course "Feminist Teora - Teoraflmica." Diploma of Literary University of Valencia. Film Course. "La Dona al cinema" Diploma of the Literary University of Valencia. "Notes on the analysis of classical Hollywood cinema." Auteur studies.: Fellini, Marco Ferreri, and independent filmmakers. Addiction Diploma Course. Education: He studied drawing, sculpture and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts in Valencia on 1975-76-77. Started studying fine arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1978, Specialty recorded by the Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville. Make the Pedagogical Aptitude Course Science Institute through education, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, in 1981. Issues "Contemporary Artists Valencianos" Painters and Sculptors Taurinos I "" Artists who leave Footprint "Artists of the XXI century", Girona "Artist of the Millennium," Giron Work in: JosIturbi Municipal Conservatory, Valencia. Palau de la music from Valencia. Latin Art Museum, Miami, USA. Private collections: Santiago Compostela, Vigo, Pontevedra, Len, Alicante, Gandia, Murcia, Castelln, Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, New York, Berlin. Caceres, Oropesa del Mar, Benicassim. Holland. Denmark.

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